So I’m trying to ease myself into scrapbooking again. I feel so out of the loop! I’ve talked to some girls that are on Design teams and I absolutely love seeing their wonderful layouts these girls are seriously talented. That being said I’m not thinking about joining any design team anytime soon. First of f I can’t afford to keep up, nor do I want to. I’d like to think I’ve matured a little and I think I’ll stick to the look that suits my personality best. Once I’ve perfected that I think I’ll feel comfortable having other people judge my work. I though I’d take you through my process.
I’ve had this happy birthday paper from doodle bug forever. And since I still haven’t scrapbooked Sean’s second birthday pictures. I took a little time to but the too together.
First thing I did was sketch out my layout. I’ll make a few sketches until I make one I really like. Things don’t always come out the way I think, but this time I think it came out well.

Final Product